Vision, Mission, Values

Our Vision

Committed to transformative education, INTERLINK strives to promote mutual respect, cross-cultural understanding, and peaceful coexistence by enabling participants to: recognize and appreciate cultural differences; communicate in accurate and thoughtful ways; and become creative and humane leaders.

Our Mission

Guided by standards of quality and fairness, we provide English language instruction, academic preparation, cross-cultural orientation, and professional development training in ways that empower participants to become engaged students, independent learners, critical thinkers, and effective communicators.
Extended Mission Statement


Committed to excellence in online and in-person training, we believe that honesty, openness, and compassion are fundamental to successful program operations and meaningful interactions among diverse groups of people. All our actions stem from a single focus – disciplined attention to student needs, satisfaction, and success. Our faculty embody the highest standards of professionalism manifested with care, concern, and commitment. Our administrators are clear that they lead best by serving and serve best by meeting participants’ needs.

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